Friday, October 27, 2023

And Then There Were Three

Scallop 10"x10"

Nautilus Interior, Scallop, Whelk, 10"x10"

The Rogers Gallery has held the Nautilus and Whelk paintings for about a year.  Nautilua Exterior had been a part of the trio but was sold separately.  Now, a client wants a new painting added to create a series of three.  He is open to the shell and only asks that the colors be the same.  

The top image is a work in progress. The difficulty is in incorporating the colors from the other sheets without creating an artificial appearing shell.  This stage needs more blue. But, how?

Paintings have been moving slowly in all the galleries.  I don't know if it is my works have over saturated the interested market, or if sales are slow with everyone. This summer I worked on Orange Grove Chat, a commission.  It was great fun to do.  I love painting oranges and birds so...  The client was also very easy to work with.  She knew exactly what she wanted and was very clear about describing that.  This beauty now resides in California.   The other paintings pictured here were done in preparation for the various Holiday Small Works shows.  

Orange Grove Chat, 2023 Oil on Panel 30"x24"
Outer Cape #1, 2023 Oil on Panel 12"x15"

Outer Cape #2, 2023 Oil on Panel 12"x15"

Outer Cape #3, 2023 Oil on Panel 12"x15"

Male Blue Bird #11, 2023 Oil on Panel 6"x6"

Male Bluebird #9, 2023 Oil on Panel 6"x6"

Male Bluebird #10, 2023 Oil on Panel 6"x6"

Balancing Act #9, 2023 Oil on Panel 8"x8"

Balancing Act #8, 2023 Oil on Panel 8"x8"

Balancing Act #7, 2023 Oil on Panel 8"x8"