Monday, September 19, 2011

Echinacea Purpurea Maxima

According to the University of Texas website "the genus name is from the Greek echino, meaning hedgehog, an allusion to the spiny, brownish central disk. The flowers of Echinacea species are used to make an extremely popular herbal tea, purported to help strengthen the immune system; an extract is also available in tablet or liquid form in pharmacies and health food stores. Often cultivated, Purple Coneflower is a showy, easily grown garden plant." I love the hedgehog connection. It reminds me of England. I've framed the piece and placed it on my Daily Gallery page. We are in the process of ripping off our deck and replacing it. This will slow down any daily studio progress. Stay tuned. 5"x7" on board and gold leaf.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Echinacea Purpurea Maxima

This cone flower has been in the garden for years but never has thrived. It doesn't get enough sun. This year, however, it has produced multiple blooms. I think it deserves some praise.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Datura, Another Point of View

Datura Metel, also known as Angel's Trumpet, Devil's Trumpet, Thorn Apple.
Datura metel grows in the wild in all the warmer parts of the world, and is cultivated worldwide for its chemical and ornamental properties. It was first described by Linnaeus in 1753, but no botanically correct illustrations or descriptions were made until after the New World was settled. It is not possible to be sure about its original home. According to
Preissel, Ulrike; Hans-Georg Preissel (2002). Brugmansia and Datura: Angel's Trumpets and Thorn Apples. Buffalo, New York: Firefly Books. pp. 120–123. ISBN 1-55209-598-3. 5"x7" oil on board and gold leaf.