Monday, June 8, 2015

New Directions

Still Life, Hydrangea, Oil on Board, 12" x 12"
I've decided to take this blog in a new direction. I acknowledge that I am my only audience.  From the onset I have been posting these pictures so that I could watch the development of the paintings.  This was more out of curiosity than any instructional or artistic purpose.  With the advent of so many online options for storing photographs, it is no longer necessary.  So, I'm going to use this as a means to expand my knowledge of ... anything ... something ... associated with the painting but not necessarily the plastic aspects.  It will be a more free association.  I will continue to insert a small picture of the painting I am working on.  
Speaking of free association, I might as well start this new direction by noting that my House Critic and I are reading Ulysses by James Joyce.  We are greatly help by a Great Courses video and an edition of Ulysses by Shmoop that provides analysis and summary of each chapter.  This reading is in preparation of a trip to Ireland that includes a few days in Dublin.  

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