Monday, October 19, 2020

Three Finches


Three Finches, 2020, Oil on Panel, 12"x12"

This board once had a Baltimore Oriole with the paint brush and the oriole facing down.  I was dissatisfied with the position and form of the oriole as well as the contrast against the blue.  Abandoning that idea I replaced it with the three American Goldfinches.  I played with having some yellow paint drip off the brush to indicate what the first finch is looking at.   

Bay of Funny, Work in Progress


Bay of Funny, Oil on Aluminum, 6"x12"

In continuing with the theme of "sunsets I have witnessed", this experience was in Nova Scotia on the Bay of Fundy.  To be more precise this is the Cobequid Bay which is an inlet of Fundy.  We were staying at Burntcoat Head where the highest tidal range in the world was measured.  The average tidal range is 41 feet. Wow!  Other than the sunsets of Imperial Beach, CA, these were the most fabulously colorful I've seen.  The oranges and reds were almost surreal. We were staying in a little cottage set high above the Bay with a completely unobstructed view of the sky.  It was an August summer evening.