Friday, June 26, 2020

Rose of Sharon, In Progress

Rose of Sharon
Working with this range of colors on the muted ground is very pleasing.  It is a challenge to keep within the hue of each flower and not become muddy when inputting the darks. This second stage of working is to establish the forms, the lights and darks and the color.  As I paint with a lot of transparency the ground is still influencing the color.  A third stage should bring the color out even more against the ground.  

In the south where I grew up, the Rose of Sharon is referred to as Althea.  It is in the hibiscus family and is related to okra.  Now, okra is a favorite food in the south and of mine.  In southern Louisiana okra is an ingredient in gumbo where it is used like corn starch to thicken the dish.  My mama always breaded it with corn meal and fried it.  Every visit to her home came with a request for her fried okra.  How I miss that.  So as I work on this painting I'm continually reminded of her and home.