Friday, April 12, 2024

Osprey Exuberance #2, 2024


Osprey Exuberance, 2024, Oil on Cradled Panel, 16"x20"

The wings!  Those are the voice of this painting.  The keen eyes and sharp talons of the Osprey take a backseat here to the 6' spread of his wings.  He is here about 2 weeks before his mate returns in order to prepare the nest. They both have had a winter's retreat in Venezuela.  But, Mr. comes first to claim the territory and to prepare the nest.  Those wings must carry them some 4,000 miles on their return.  He always arrives on or near my House Critic's birthday of March 17.  Today as the winds were extremely high and the rain very strong, I watched as the two of them stood and sat strong on the nest.  

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Several Irons in the Fire

 I've found myself at somewhat of a loss and all over the place with ideas and failed attempts. I met with a woman who is on the board of Mass Art and who convinced me to submit a work for consideration in Mass Art's annual auction/fund raiser.  She is a collector with a large and impressive collection.  As with most collectors, she has an eye for a particular genre, photo realism.  Within that genre, she prefers works that lean toward pop art but away from landscape and the figure.  After meeting with her, I realized I was influenced by her appreciations as I went about my studio work.  It was quite the rabbit hole.  It took me a while to realize what was happening.  I abandoned all but one of those attempts and adapted it.  Below is a peak into my studio of works in progress.  

This began as just a stack of books with significant titles about painting.  I found the perspective with an entire stack uninteresting.  I took out some books and placed a crow atop.  The book titles will include Ted Hughes, Crow.  Any suggestions on a title?  

Again, this began as a stack of books in a dark area.  Then, I rearranged the books, placed them in front of a window and inserted my sketch book and some color pencils in a can.  The idea is to comment upon art and art making.  John Berger's Ways of Seeing is the top book.  

At this point I was so tired of trying to paint straight lines that I just went with a simple still life with oranges because painting with orange makes me happy.  

And finally, The Copley Society called for works to their international juried show with the theme "Exuberance".  What is more exuberant that a male osprey who returns from South America and begins rebuilding his nest waiting for the mate to join him.  I will possibly paint 2 ospreys on nests for the submission.  

That's it for the time being.  I must now return to the studio and tackle some of the irons in the fire.