Saturday, April 24, 2021

Oranges with Green Plate: A Work in Progress


Oranges With Green Plate, Oil on Panel, 18"x36"

This painting is intended as a companion piece to Oranges with Cobalt Vase.  The plate is glass with some design etches.  I'm hoping the etching will offer as much interest as the reflections in the cobalt vase.  The cloth will be a true blue, not a found blue as in Cobalt Vase.  

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Oranges with Cobalt Vase


Oranges with Cobalt Vase, 2021, Oil on Panel, 18"x36"

The final stage for this work was to refine the oranges and make them appear to 'sit' on the cloth. The point of view and the light source created difficulty in achieving this.  I still think there is some push and pull going on that could confuse the viewer.  

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Blue Bird with Paint Brush, Work in Progress


Oil on Panel, 8"x10"

I'm working on a few small pieces while finishing up Oranges with Cobalt Vase.  This is one that I will submit to a show in which I have been invited to participate.  The Marion Art Center participates in the town's Arts in the Parks event with a booth.  I have been asked to submit about 15 small pieces.  

My "In House Critic" and I built a blue bird box this spring and hung it on a tree facing the marsh.  To date there are no inhabitants, not even pesky sparrows.  Last year we did spot two bluebirds feeding on the suet and were hoping that meant a possible couple would come and stay. 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Oranges with Cobalt Vase, A Work in Progress


Oil on Panel, 18" x 36"

A little day by day progress.  Most of the recent work is on the cloth, trying to make it seem both soft and textural.  Hard to do for me.  The fold exiting from the bottom of the vase looks a bit too heavy and might leave the impressing that it falls off the edge of a table.  In fact this whole space is flat.  

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Oranges with Cobalt Vase: Work in Progress


Oranges with Cobalt Vase

I've been working on this piece for about 3 weeks.  It is another large piece that will be offered to Rogers Gallery when time comes to switch out the Mink Cove Diptych.  This piece is 18" x 36".  And I intend to do a companion still life of the same dimensions.  Right now I'm considering using Honey Crisp apples because of their beautiful markings.