Wednesday, December 30, 2020

A Tapestry, a Work in Progress


Eastern Screech Owl, Oil on Panel, 10"x10"

In the warm evening months, we can hear a screech owl outside our family room.  The first time I heard it, I thought there was a horse whinnying in the yard. I've looked on occasion for its home to no avail.  It truly in part of the tapestry.  

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

A Tapestry Work in Progress


Northern Screech Owl, 10"x10", Oil on Panel

The Copley Society of Art has called for small works with the theme of Tapestry.  It came to mind that the Screech Owl is so camouflaged in its environment as to appear almost a tapestry against it.  I photographed this owl at the Audubon Sanctuary in Canton, MA.  It was a rescued owl that could not be released.  This is a different way of working for me: loose, wet into wet, thick with undefined edges.  I'm not crazy about the flatness of the black.  

Monday, December 28, 2020

Red-bellied Woodpecker Painting, 2020


Red-bellied Woodpecker Painting, 2020, Oil on Panel, 10"x10"

Placing the birds on a paint brush screams "I'm a painting, not a real bird."  Otherwise, I'm not sure how I can explain this surrealism.  The brush symbolizes me, the artist.  n general, all birds symbolize freedom because they have the ability and the freedom to roam the earth and fly in the skies. But for me the bird is such an interesting creature with the ability to be expressive even with out the lips to smile or the fore head to frown. They offer great color, texture and form variety. 

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Red-Breasted Woodpecker, Work in Progress

Red-bellied Woodpecker, Oil on Panel, 12"x12"

As 2020 comes to a close, and I spend all my time in the house, I'm happy to feed the birds and watch them.  These guys are delighted with the suet we put out even though they have to fight off the Blue Jays, notorious gangsters.  

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Spring Maple


Spring Maple, 2020, Oil on Panel, 16"x24"

I've worked on this for weeks, tweaking here and there over the past week.  I'm still not completely happy with it.  Somehow it is missing that oomph.  I will submit it along with Spring Oak completed last year to the Copley Society Members' Show in January 2021.  They choose one work (or none). In this thematic juried show, the artists' work will reflect various new beginnings - from the annual transition of winter to spring, to new ways in which the global pandemic has altered how we approach and live our lives.

Spring Oak, 2019, Oil on Panel, 16"x24"


Friday, December 11, 2020

A Plethora of Paintings

Below are the paintings completed while my computer sat in the shop.  I will allow them to speak for themselves.
Baltimore Oriole with Oranges, 2020, Oil on Panel, 10"x10"

Hummingbird in Flight #2, 2020, Oil on Panel, 5"x5"

Flying Hummingbird #1, 2020, Oil on Panel, 5"x5"

South Fork Ouachita River, 2020, Oil on Panel, 10"x10"

A River I Could Float Away On, 2020, Oil on Panel, 12"x12"

Something for Our Kitchen,  2020, Oil on Panel, 6"x6"


Hydrangeas in Cobalt Vase #3, 2020


Hydrangea in Cobalt Vase, 2020, Oil on Panel, 10"x10"

I finished this work a few weeks ago.  I've been computerless, though, and unable to post.  I always love painting this vase and will never tire of the variations it offers in color.