Sunday, June 23, 2019

Hydrangeas In Progress

Hydrangeas In Progress, Oil on Board, 10" x 10"
I worry about becoming illustrative.  Does this belong in a garden magazine?  Pushing the realism toward the surrealism or photorealism might solve that (if it is a problem).  Mixing the colors each day brings different results, which works because of the variety of color in the petals.  

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Hydrangeas In Progress

Hydrangeas, Oil on Board, 10"x10"
We have planted 4 hydrangeas this spring where the rosa rugosa were.  They are heavy with blooms.  And, the rosa seems happier in its new home.  This is the third painting session with Hydrangeas.  It has quite a bit of green compared to other hydrangeas I've painted.  The upper right will need some variety and contrast.  

Pink Rhododendrons

Pink Rhododendrons, 2019, Oil on Board, 8"x8"
Even though I continue to tweak this painting, I can call it finished.  My goal toward the end was to distinguish between the flowers so the eye could breakdown the painting.  Just looking now, I consider making the unopened stamen in the center of the painting more intense so that they may become a focal point.  

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Rhododendron In Progress

Rhododendron, Oil on Board, 8"x8"
The complexity of the color and intricacy of the shapes makes this a challenging yet fulfilling process.  It's very slow going as I await the time in which I can go in and push the contrast enough to bring out the separate blossom forms.  


Osprey, 2019, Oil on Board, 16"x20"
We have 2 pair of Osprey nesting on our marsh. It appears the female is still incubating as she never leaves the nest.  This male is approaching the nest with wings raised and calling.  Early in March, he is building the next in anticipation of the female's arrival. Ospreys require nest sites in open surroundings for easy approach, with a wide, sturdy base and safety from ground predators (such as raccoons). Nests are usually built on snags, treetops, or crotches between large branches and trunks; Our nests are 1) on a man-made platform and 2) atop a telephone pole. Osprey nests are built of sticks and lined with bark, sod, grasses, vines, algae, flotsam, jetsam, and just about anything the bird can grab and bring to lay.  At a program on Osprey we were shown a barbie doll and golf putter retrieved from a nest. The nest on our man-made platform is susceptible to high winter winds and never reaches the breadth and depth of long standing nests which can reach 10-13 feet deep and 3-6 feet in diameter.