Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Hydrangeas, Oil on Board, 23"x34"

Other than oiling out, which will bring out the deepest colors and enrich it all, I believe I have finished.  I'm anxious to know what the gallery thinks.  I've looked at this so long and so intensely that I can't be objective.  

Friday, May 24, 2013


Hydrangeas, Oil on Board, 23"x34"

Other than tweaking where I see necessary, I've finally completed the blossoms.  I did a bit of work on the leaves, left side.  I think I need to create some sort of separation between the large pink blossom and the blossom directly to the right.  I can't decide if I will insert a leaf or simply reduce the intensity.  The entire area is too heavy and pulls the eye away.  I may see if increasing the intensity of the leaves to the lower right helps .