Saturday, March 30, 2013


Hydrangeas, Oil on Board, 23" x 34"

I put in the light blue blossom in the upper left corner today.  It still needs work to settle on how distinct it will be.  I think once the pink blossom in front of it has stronger lights and darks to contrast with it, the blue will seem less chromatic.  But I believe it is a better approach than the one to the right of the pink blossom.  It is too loose and fuzzy (fuzzy:  a very professional way of saying non linear)

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Hydrangeas, Oil on Board, 23"x34"
I worked until dark today and need a spotlight to photograph my progress.  As a result, the left side is washed out with glare.  But I did finish the 2nd stage of the pink blossom.  The remainder of the blossoms will not be as sharply defined.  I started to experiment with two of them.  But I believe I need to increase the clarity, linearity.  

I went to the Duxbury Art Complex today in order to see my painting without the crowds that will be at the closing.  There are impressive works among the selections.  It's good for me to see my work juxtaposed with others.  It helps up my efforts at quality.  I also noticed that my piece is bowing a bit.  I really need to fix this problem with painting on board.  

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Hydrangeas, Oil on Board, 23"x34"
One of the most perfect paintings I have seen is Rogier Van de Weyden's Decent from the Cross.  It almost makes me weep.  I've been thinking about it as I ponder the blues of this painting.  Weyden's Virgin is in blue and she so perfectly echoes Christ's body as if she herself were crucified.  
Decent from the Cross, Roger Van de Weyden

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Hydrangeas, Oil on Board 23"x34"
I started on the pink hydrangea today.  I will determine later if the hue is correct or good for the unity of the piece.  

Monday, March 25, 2013


Hydrangeas, Oil on Board, 23"x34"
Today I finally completed the first step of the large blue blossom.  Each petal has been defined.  Next, the same process will happen with the large pink blossom in the upper right.  The other blossoms are not as linearly defined.  Each of these blossoms will still need refining with modeling and some strong light values to create a since of light in the painting.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Hydrangeas, Oil on Board, 23"x34"
I've been using ultramarine blue mixed with some cerulean  for the blue tones and dioxin purple mixed with ultramarine for the violet colors. Thrown in for the deepest darks is prussian blue, my weakness, my go to color.  

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Hydrangeas, Oil on Board, 23"x34"
Hydrangeas are a favorite plant along the coast of Cape Cod and Southeast Massachusetts. The shrub loves the cool summers and damp coast breezes.  Our shrub is so prolific that we must brace it up or all the heavy blooms drag the branches to the ground.  

Friday, March 22, 2013


Hydrangeas, Oil on Board, 23"x34"
I feel like I'm making so little progress.   I probably worked about 3 hours today and only covered a small section of the blue blossom.  When painting, I work in stages across the entire surface, first laying in basic colors, next laying in some value differences and then beginning to lay in the forms before finally returning to pull out strong contrasts within the values and colors.  Right now, I'm laying in the forms of the which distinguish objects and shapes one from the other.  Due to the numerous compound forms (panicles) of the hydrangea this is taking a long time.  I'm anxious to see this stage finished for entire surface so I can determine if my colors are working to create good movement and focal points.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Hydrangeas, Oil on Board, 23"x34"
Only a small amount of work today on the blue blossom.  It's very slow going. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Hydrangeas, Oil on Board, 23"x34"
I worked only with the greens today. I felt it important to set up some value comparisons between the hydrangeas and the leaves.  

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Hydrangeas, Oil on Board, 23"x34"
I've been back in the studio for about a week now working on Hydrangeas.  This shrub grows in our garden that borders separates the woods from the yard.  The work is tedious and I'm somewhat slow.  Also, spring is refusing to arrive and it remains dark most of the day which hinders my speed.  But it is good to be back working with paint and color after 2 months.