Thursday, November 25, 2010

Still life drawing for consideration of a Study in Blue with bittersweet.

Monday, November 22, 2010

A quick wash lays out the point of view and composition for me to consider.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

We had our first frost a few days ago and it was just beautiful in the morning light. The trees still held onto their fall leaves. The contrast between the bright colors of the trees and the muted tones of the marsh grass was striking.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Added some lighter, more intense leaves to bring some of the bush forward and lead the eye diagonally lower right to upper left and back to upper right. Does it work?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

It was satisfying to put the leaves in today. I probably have one more session to add some light leaves that will lead the eye across the two diagonals. I also may rework the large oak leaves, bottom right, to break them apart.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Spent the entire day outside cleaning the yard, storing away the dahlias, raking, etc. It was glorius, in the 60's. Just before the sun disappeared I painted in the basic structure for the little bush's branches. Tonight I'm having dinner with a naturalist. I'm hoping he can identify my little bush.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Just worked a few minutes today on texture to create some depth of field.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

It stopped raining today and the sun came out in the afternoon. That made for better working conditions in the studio. I also walked to the spot in the woods where my little bush grows. I first thought it was an euonymous, then a sassafras. Now, I don't know. I took a small branch to ask about it. On the painting, I worked the middle and near grounds, adding some texture that will lay a foundation for details.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I'd forgotten how absolutely lovely it is to paint on board. The brush glides and the paint melds with glee.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The weather is dark and dreary making it difficult to see in the studio. On dark days I rely on bad lighting. I must rectify that. Today's work was spent layering in color in the ground areas. My objective is the illusion of deep woods with atmospheric light and color. The focal point, a sassafras bush, will sit center and front. I'm guessing at this point what the values in the far ground should be. Once the bush goes in, I can adjust. It's just easier to work all over the ground than around the intricacies of the bush.

Monday, November 8, 2010

We had our first snow last night. It was minimal; little clumps of white ice here and there. The acanthas has been nipped at last.
The new painting. I washed in some basic values and colors, set up the horizon line. This particular green must go.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I've been staring at this white 40" x 30" board for days. I finally just attacked it with enough line to commit to an idea. The colors in the landscape these days are ambers, browns, reds and yellows. Some green remains in the pine and cedar. But overall the pallette is warm and rich with clear cobalt skies. I want a landscape that is more particular and detailed than the recent panoramas of Minkcove; one that swallows the viewer. This will be a view from the daily walk I take through the Minot/Weld Conservancy. The palette will be warm and the focal point will pop with a lighter value. I'm also happy to be painting on board again.